Time Out Praxis

transpersonal regressiontherapy

transpersonal regressiontherapy


about me

me. born in 1961.
2 tall children.

studying eastern philosophy, dance, meditation.
since 1986 independent company. travelling and staying abroad.

what makes me happy
silence, walking in the forest, reading, having time, meeting friends, my cup of coffee in the morning, and a good cup of tea.

my spiritual work
inner freedom and peace

my social engagement
justice and peace on earth
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Jana Grossmann

i am trained at

….The Michael Newton Institute
.……for LBL Hypnotherapy, New York
….The Holistic Healing Center
……Paul Aurand, New York
….Past Life Regression Academy, UK
….Past Life with Kindern, Christine Alisa, NL
….Essex Institute for Clinical Hypnosis
….John Brett, Hypnose, UK
….Hypnovita, Akademie für
……hypnotische Heilkunst, DE
….Arthur Findlay College, UK
….Institut für Haptische Gestaltung, DE
……Arbeit am Tonfeld, Dr. Heinz Deuser, DE
……(in training)
i am certified as

….certified hypnotherapist (NGH)
….certified hypnotherapist (DVH)
….certified hypnopractitioner
….international diploma in hypnotherapy
….certified regression therapist
……(Regression Academy)
….certified for Life between Lives
……(LBL) Therapy
i am a member of

….german association for hypnosis e.v. (DVH)
….member of The Newton Institute (TNI)
….professional member of Earth Association for Regression Therapy
….member of Spiritual Regression Therapy
……Association (SRTA)
….National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)
….Association of Professional Hypnosis and
……Psychotherapy, APHP
….federal association child hospice e.v.
….BIG - consciousness orientated
……association e.V.