Time Out Praxis

transpersonal regressiontherapy

transpersonal regressiontherapy

Sad Bunny

past life regression therapy for children and adolescents

whenever children are asking for attention, they often do not know how to communicate their stress. in their struggle for being understood they behave often in a way, that is difficult to understand for others. The children try to express their emotional pain and it is up to us to help them.

why children come to see me

a few problematical behaviours are

  • problems in school, f.ex. with homework, bad marks
  • little concentration, loud behaviour
  • petulance, trouble
  • being isolated, bullied, mobbing

some issues could be

  • ADD, ADHD or dyslexia
  • traumatic experiences
  • separation, divorce, death of the parents
  • adoption
  • fears and phobias
  • compulsive behaviour

i am:
trained by Christine Alisa, NL

Regression Therapy for Children and Adolescents

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